Welcome to Our
Sustainable & Regenerative Garden

Sale Ranch Animal Sanctuary's Sustainable and Regenerative Garden with one of the residents enjoying it's beauty

Extending Our Rescue Efforts

At Sale Ranch Animal Sanctuary, we believe in going beyond just providing a safe haven for farm animals. Our sustainable and regenerative garden is a cornerstone of our mission, demonstrating our commitment to nurturing the land, saving animals, and offering healthy, cruelty-free foods to our community.

Creating Living Soil with Upcycling

We upcycle our residents’ waste into rich compost, transforming it into living soil teeming with diversity. We mitigate the amount of manure produced daily, redirecting it from landfills to our onsite composting system. This practice regenerates the soil and land, allowing us to grow healthy, sustainable food for our animal residents and the community. Composting reduces waste and builds a more sustainable environment, preventing the earth from being stripped of its natural goodness and replaced with harmful chemicals.

Organic produce grown at Sale Ranch Animal Sanctuary in our sustainable regenerative garden that was donated to a local food pantry

Reducing Waste and Building Sustainability

Our approach focuses on reducing waste, reusing resources, and recycling materials to promote a more sustainable future. By embracing these principles, we are creating a healthier environment for our animal residents and the community. Our goal is to have a positive impact beyond our sanctuary space by maintaining a garden and actively raising awareness and taking steps to address the issues in our food system. This includes advocating for the welfare of animals that are kept in confined spaces and endure suffering in the pursuit of profit.

Be Part of the Solution

Understanding where your food comes from and how it’s grown is crucial. By supporting efforts like ours, you become a part of the solution, helping to change our relationship with food and build a kinder world for all. Supporting local farmers’ markets, growing your own food, and reducing waste by composting food scraps and purchasing produce with minimal or no packaging can have a tremendous impact. These seemingly small, thoughtful actions can contribute significantly to a healthier planet and a stronger community.

small vegetable sprouts that will soon be planted in our sustainable regenerative garden

Seasonal Suppers and Community Involvement

Our seasonal suppers celebrate the fruits of our labor, bringing together community members to share delicious plant-based meals. These gatherings support our mission and showcase the importance of sustainable, cruelty-free food. Through our garden, we also reach out to the community by donating fresh produce to the local food pantry, helping to feed food-insecure families.

We invite you to be part of this transformative movement. Attend a seasonal supper, support our efforts, and experience the impact of our work firsthand. Additionally, you can volunteer in the garden to gain hands-on experience in sustainable practices. If you’re interested, please submit an application form and join us in our mission

LEAP Program

Our garden is also part of our LEAP program, which teaches children 16 years and up about regenerative and sustainable garden practices and compassionate animal care. This ethical alternative to the 4H and FHA programs fosters a love for the land and its inhabitants. The LEAP program teaches young people how to nurture the earth and its creatures.

Discover how the LEAP program, an integral part of our garden, is shaping the next generation of compassionate caretakers. Learn more about LEAP and its connection with our garden.