
Please consider setting up a monthly, one-time, or annual donation! Or check out other ways you can help below.

How You Can Help

We cannot do this life saving work without your financial support. Compassionate people like you that choose to give are the reason we are able to rescue, rehabilitate, provide placement assistance, educate, and continue our life saving work of animals in need.

Direct Finacial Assistance

We offer many ways for you to help financially, but the most direct ways to help are by making one-time donations or by becoming Super Hero Monthly Sponsors. If you’d like to leave a lasting legacy to help the farm animals in our care, please consider our endowment program.

Other Ways to Help

If you are unable to offer direct financial assistance please consider donating your vehicle, donating an item from Sale Ranch Animal Sanctuary’s Amazon Wishlist, buy simply purchasing items for yourself through Amazon Smile, or by establishing a corporate sponsorship. Every little bit helps!

We are a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and your donations are fully tax-deductible as allowed by law.

Become a Super Hero Monthly Sponsor

Become a Superhero Sponsor for the horses at Sale Ranch Animal Sanctuary

Please consider checking out our shop!