
Waylon the horse

With rescue, we never really know the full story of their past. Waylon is scarred from head to tail and on all four of his legs. He has a couple of ranch brands too. His scarring pattern, homemade brand, and extreme fear of people lead us to believe that he ended up in an unsanctioned, most likely south of the border, rodeo ring where he suffered greatly at both the hands of people and other animals.

Waylon’s progress is slow but steady. He knows he is safe. He is a sweet soul who is working through the trauma of his past and we have no doubt in time, he will be healthy and happy. He loves his pasture companions Chancie and Punkin Pie. Waylon will live the rest of his life with us at the ranch.

If you would like to help care for Waylon, you can make a donation or a monthly sponsorship. All the proceeds go towards the food and care of the animals.
