Become A Superhero Sponsor!

Sign up to be a Super Hero Monthly Animal Sponsor! Not only will you be helping the animals here at SRAS you will receive wonderful benefits for your support.

Thank You for Becoming a Superhero Sponsor!

Become a Superhero Sponsor for the the chickens at Sale Ranch Animal Sanctuary

Chicken Champion

$5 or more per month

A warm and happy heart knowing you are helping our four-legged friends.

Goat Guardian

$10 or more per month

A warm and happy heart knowing you are helping our four-legged friends.
Become a Superhero Sponsor for the the goats at Sale Ranch Animal Sanctuary
Become a Superhero Sponsor for the donkeys at Sale Ranch Animal Sanctuary

Donkey Defender

$25 or more per month

A warm and happy heart knowing you are helping our four-legged friends
After a year of sponsorship, you will receive:
Access to our annual Donor Appreciation Open Ranch event for you and one guest.

Cow Crusader

$50 or more per month

A warm and happy heart knowing you are helping our four-legged friends.
After a year of sponsorship, you will receive:
Access to our Donor Appreciation Open Ranch event for you and one guest.
Become a Superhero Sponsor for the cows at Sale Ranch Animal Sanctuary
Become a Superhero Sponsor for the horses at Sale Ranch Animal Sanctuary

Horse Hero

$100 or more per month

A warm and happy heart knowing you are helping our four-legged friends
After a year of sponsorship, you will receive:
Access for you and one guest to our Donor Appreciation Open Ranch event.
Thank You for Becoming a Superhero Sponsor!

*Animal sponsorships are symbolic in nature and your generous donations go towards the feeding and care of all animal residents.